Detox Solutions


At Nature’s Touch in Garnett, KS, we want to help you find a solution to unburden the toxic load of our environment. All of our therapies aim to improve blood circulation, moving oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and waste more efficiently. Our detoxification therapies naturally get the blood moving regularly and more efficiently to help you get rid of toxins and waste that can accumulate in the body. We are proud to offer several different detoxifying solutions for you, including our Thermal Life Far Infrared Sauna, Bemer Therapy, and stimulating foot baths. 

If you are interested in learning more about our detoxification therapies or you would like to schedule an appointment, call our friendly team today at (785) 448-7152

Bemer Therapy

An optimal circulatory function is key to promoting health within your body. This also helps your body regulate itself better, thus improving your immune functioning and physical performance. Our Bemer Therapy uses magnetic fields to improve your circulation by increasing the electromagnetic energy of all cells, adding to the existing electromagnetic energy that naturally exists in all of your bodily functions. The therapeutic qualities of BEMER can be similarly compared to exercise, encouraging each cell in the body to function optimally and to correct metabolic and energetic abnormalities, which result in freedom from disease.
Natural Detoxification — Essentials in Garnett, Kansas

Foot Baths for Balanced Body pH

Our ionic foot baths are designed to remove toxins from the skin from the feet which you can see accumulate throughout the duration of your foot bath. Our foot baths also balance the natural pH of your body, bringing it closer to a neutral pH. Research has found that ionic detoxification helps to facilitate the alkalization process in the body, which lowers the body’s pH and stabilizes free radicals that can cause cancer. 

Detox Naturally with Our Thermal Life Far Infrared Sauna

Our Thermal Life Far Infrared Sauna is recognized worldwide to be the most effective method of removing chemicals and metal toxins from the body. Our sauna is designed to remove heavy metals, mercury, and fat-soluble toxins stored in fat tissue, connective tissue, and the brain. 

Benefits of Our Thermal Life Far Infrared Sauna
  • Detoxification
  • Enhanced Immune System Health
  • Improved Cardiovascular Health
  • Stress Relief
  • Weight and Cellulite Management
  • Pain Relief
  • Skin Beautification

Schedule a Detox with Us!

Our team is enthusiastic to meet more people within the Garnett and surrounding communities. Come in, bring your friends, and get educated on the scientific and natural detoxification therapies that we offer! Call us today at (785) 448-7152.
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